The resounding belief of our society is that an individual can’t make a sustainable living being a creative. But with the current status quo in Africa today, the pecuniary needs have made people to tilt toward their various expertise to sustain their livelihoods. And without a shadow of doubt, creatives all across Africa are transmogrifying this prevailing notion just by doing what they love.
Enthusiasm: A little thing that makes a big difference
Creatives who sustain themselves with their arts and crafts are self-reliant. They are free from the manacles of a nine-to-five job, such as having to wait for wages or a monthly salary. They have the freedom and determination to chase their passions, all while keeping pace with their lifestyles and schedules.
As a freelance creative, you will always encounter clients. Knowing how to interact with them is pivotal because it’s one of the cornerstones that guarantee your success as a creative. This article discusses the characteristics that define a creative and deciding to be a creative in Africa. Next, it ventures into effective interaction with clients by dissecting the various kinds of clients and by consulting a few creatives across various industries who aren’t novices in dealing with clientele.
What makes someone a creative?
A creative is a person whose job involves producing original ideas or doing artistic work. Artists, writers, sculptors, photographers, fashion designers and content creators are common examples. As long as you create and are able to solve problems and express your ideas eloquently, you are a creative.
Deciding to be a creative in Africa
According to Statista, South Africa registered the highest unemployment rate in Africa in 2023, with around 30 percent of the country’s labour force being unemployed. Djibouti and Eswatini followed, with unemployment reaching roughly 28 percent and 25 percent, respectively. On the other hand, Niger and Benin had the lowest unemployment rates in Africa and the continent stood at roughly eight percent in the same year.
Meanwhile, Macrotrends states that the Sub-Saharan Africa unemployment rate for 2021 was 7.66%, a 0.38% increase from 2020.